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I’ve Got No Unrest To Give

October 20, 2010

If there’s one thing blog analytics have taught me, its that you guys really love it when I black out, screw up or freak out. If possible, I should do all three simultaneously… And I don’t mean that in the “Y’all are sadists” kind of way but more in the “Life is exciting when it’s tumultuous” kind of way.

Look, I get it.

I, too, want to have neuroses to analyze, be they mine or someone else’s. I want to laugh at drunken antics and obsess about teetering relationships. I want to seek the needle of happiness in the haystack of life’s endless quandaries.

So maybe that’s why I haven’t been writing much.

Truth is, things are pretty A-OK right now.

I know, even I feel like I slammed an Ambien with a bottle of wine just rereading that sentence.

Things with Mister Me have turned semi-fairytale-esque. We’ve been attending weddings (I caught the bouquet!), cooking dinner at home, going to Bears games, pulling together our couple’s Halloween costume (Tiger and Elin), having fancy date nights and planning our Mexican getaway. We haven’t had a fight yet. We’re so boring that we share a Google calendar.

Are you nauseated? I don’t really blame you. Happy couples are freaking annoying.

Of course, there were the initial freak outs. There is something in us all that is looking for that extra piece, that thing to pursue. Right now, there’s just nothing more to want…

So for right now I’m waving buhbye to the constant second-guessing and over-thinking. I’m not going to worry about 3 months from now or 6 months from now or 6 years from now. I’m letting go of my panic and just embracing my present. And I think its working.

I think I’ve found something here… Something satisfying in a quieter way than all that obsessing was. More like not itching at all, rather than scratching that unquenchable itch.

20 Comments leave one →
  1. October 21, 2010 9:20 am

    So, so happy for you Bea! You deserve a fairy tale!

    Maybe you canstart a wedding planning blog at some stage. Seems like there can be a lot of drama in wedding planning…

  2. October 21, 2010 9:20 am

    Google Calendar Sharing!? Say it ain’t so. Also…first!

  3. October 21, 2010 9:22 am

    YAY! I’m excited for you. 🙂 Also, Mexican getaway…sounds ah-mazing.

  4. October 21, 2010 9:27 am

    YAAAAAAY! Glad you’re enjoying the A-OKness.

    P.S. I’ve been on 2 dates with a super-cute-kinda-nerdy guy from eHarmony. I think I’ve found something…and I’m going on vacation for 10 days. So there’ll be LOTS of anticipation to see where things go upon my return 🙂

  5. October 21, 2010 9:37 am

    Totally awesome. Glad you’re having a good time and enjoying yourself!!

  6. October 21, 2010 9:42 am

    Sounds lovely. Happy, happy for your happiness. Nothing wrong at all with some tranquility in the ocean of love and relationships–you deserve it!

  7. October 21, 2010 10:02 am

    Alex always tells me “People like to read about your pain” so I know what you mean. Happy that you are happy. Isn’t that why we all write these blogs? To one day end up in the relationship we want. Not to have never ending dating drama. Good for you that you found it lady. 🙂

  8. October 21, 2010 10:14 am

    that’s the new ‘committed’ step — sharing google calendars.


  9. October 21, 2010 10:34 am

    Hey lady! Do I miss your writing? Yes. Do I feel like I don’t know you anymore? Kind of. But am I happy that you’re happy? ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY! XO

  10. October 21, 2010 7:46 pm

    I would totes share my Google calendar with my girlfriend.

    If I had a girlfriend.

    And a Google calendar.

    Just cats up in here.

  11. October 22, 2010 8:34 am

    Glad things are A OK! I totes share my google calendar and think that being boring is the new romantic. Just sayin’

  12. stineybean permalink
    October 22, 2010 1:51 pm

    huzzah! Glad to hear you’re enjoying the present. Keep on keeping on.

  13. cyrae permalink
    October 22, 2010 4:29 pm

    There’s still Eating and Exercising … if not, another fine, fine blog bites the dust. 😡

    Life, on the other hand, goes on. <:)

  14. loveandcoco permalink
    October 23, 2010 6:56 pm

    Good for you! Enjoy it! I love that you’re just taking each day as it comes and having fun, we can all learn something from you, single or otherwise!

  15. Charlotte permalink
    October 24, 2010 12:59 pm

    I’m doing a bit of blog-hopping today and am happy to stumble into this post 🙂

    This is beautiful. I’m happy to hear that you are doing so well in your relationship and you deserve this kind of shared happiness with someone. It’s important to live in the moment and enjoy the finer things in life… and it sounds as though you are doing just that.

    Best of luck to you both and congrats on catching that bouquet! (Oddly enough, I just posted about my avoidance of the bouquet-catching, but clearly I’m in a different place than the one you are in).


  1. Meh. Turns Out Mister Me Is Human. « The Engagement Project

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