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Obligatory Thanksgiving Post

November 26, 2010

I woke up this morning feeling very grateful. I know that was supposed to happen yesterday, but I was busy feeling excited, then overwhelmed, then painfully full, then sick of my family.

Don’t pretend you didn’t travel that same spectrum.

So this morning I’m going to sit here eating a piece of pumpkin pie for breakfast (without whip cream because someone took it home, Grandma) and tell you about it.

I’m thankful for my wonderful friends who are growing into strong, generous, stable adults. We’ve had some wild times; I’m glad our friendships are turning the corner to adulthood with us.

I’m thankful that I’m too far away to watch hometown friends that are unable to grow up destroy their lives with addiction, bad decisions and bad relationships. You guys are breaking my heart.

I’m thankful for Chicago and its endless experiences. I’m thankful that life could lead me anywhere, but at least I got to stop here for a bit.

I’m thankful for all the men I’ve dated, even if I thought they were bastards shortly thereafter, because they’ve each taught me something about relationships, the world and myself.

I’m thankful for a supportive family who refuses to apply marriage pressure, almost to a fault.

I’m thankful for my ridiculous job that allows me to spend weeks on my couch, yet is fulfilling, challenging and lucrative. My coworkers are like less annoying family members, they ground me and impress me everyday.

I’m thankful that I seem to have escaped becoming a cat lady, even though it was touch and go there for a second.

I’m thankful for Mister Me. In my life I’ve stayed in relationship for three main reasons; fun, stability or unconditional love. Finally, I’ve found all three in one person.

And lastly, I’m thankful for all of you (Awwwww) because your determined support of me in both my victories and my utter defeats touches my heart. I’m thankful that you share your feelings in your own blogs or in my comments. I’m thankful that we understand one another. I’m thankful we have a place to share, laugh and cry.

5 Comments leave one →
  1. November 26, 2010 7:03 pm

    I’m going to chalk up that cat lady comment to the tryptophan.

    While we’re all feeling thankful, Mr. Kyknoord ( and I have been meaning to thank you for introducing us. He found his way to my blog through yours, and we’ve been in blog-love ever since.

    • November 26, 2010 7:41 pm

      I knew I’d hear from you on that one 🙂

      And yes, everytime I see Teva show up on the Other side of the Mountain something lights up in the dark recesses of my heart.

  2. Nancy Bowden '76 permalink
    November 27, 2010 8:25 am

    Fair and balanced. You sound so … grown up.

  3. November 27, 2010 3:36 pm

    Grandma better watch out. Swiping of whipped cream is punishable by law. It’s in the Constitution.

    You put the great in grateful. Wait.

  4. stineybean permalink
    November 30, 2010 7:31 pm

    awwwww, thanks Bea. Glad to hear you’re in a good place and all is well. Such a great place to be.

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